ktgsamachar will like to clarify that the images which we use
on the website may be found on the Internet, and are regarded as an open
source for use for representation purpose. The content and images on the
internet, are subsequently in the public domain and thus promoting those
who are willing to do so. Moreover, being responsible for our action KTG
Samachar never intentionally wants to violate, or infringe rights of an
individual or a frm, expressly sated by the same. If you are the sole rights
holder of any image or material that appeared on our website
www.ktgsamachar.com , please make jusify your point to inform the
company of the same.
We srictly avoid violation of any sort of copyright or right of ownership,
if any individual or a frm has any kind of complaints of KTG
Samachar using their owned or copyrighted material that is unauthorized
to do so and or comes without suitable credits can send us a written
complaint/ notice/ reques to withdraw the image/ content or others
(Please specify) On www.ktgsamacharindia.in
The forwarded complaint/ notice/ reques mus contain:
DMCA – KTG समाचार | आपकी बात हमारा साथ
Name with other valid details of the complainant and a document
expressing the party of being SOLE right holder to the image,
content, or others concerned.
The exact place on the website where the aggrieved party frs saw
the content, along with visual proof of it or URL link of the page.
Specifc details of the concerned image, content, or other.
A declaration addressed to KTG Samachar , of being the rightful
owner of the work used inappropriately by the company; (which will
be used agains if the complaint is fraudulent/misleading/
defamatory for the company.)
If you are a Second Party writing to us on behalf of the Original
Copy Right holder, make sure to attach a letter of authority and the
Physically or Electronically signed Declaration by the Firs Party or
the Original Copyright holder.
If any of the above details are not completely or inappropriately flled and
sent to KTG Samachar, in minor cases the reques may not be considered
and in certain cases may ultimately result in a suit being fled by the
company agains the individual or company who is trying to wrongfully
frame KTG Samachar in a baseless case.
It should also be remembered that once a fully valid and verifed
complaint/ notice/ reques is received by us it will revert to the aggrieved
party in writing (on the email id used for sending the complaint/ notice/
reques) acknowledging the same with a requesed duration during which
the concerned issue will be rightfully addressed.
Considering all of these facts and clauses as an important part of the
founding policy of the company, KTG Samachar never ever intentionally
holds any right over anything which is owned by a party other than KTG
Samachar or its Associates.